Daftar alamat Google Keseluruh Dunia

Mungkin kita tidak tahu lagi tentang Google sebuah mesin pencari yang terbesar didunia maupun di Indonesia sendiri karena Mesin pencari seperti Google itu banyak sekali yang menggunakan nya untuk mencari imformasi dari mana saja dari yang Positif sampai yang Negatif sekalai pun. dan ternyata Google juga tidak asing lagi  bagi banyak orang disluruh di dunia dalam mencari informasi yang mereka inginkan.

Sekedar informasi buat para Blogger, berikut ini adalah Daftar alamat google yang terdapat di dunia :
USA (.com) www.google.com
Afghanistan (.com.af) www.google.com.af
American Samoa (.as) www.google.As
Anguilla (.off.ai) www.google.off.ai
Antigua and Barbuda (.com.ag) www.google.com.ag
Argentina (.com.ar) www.google.com.ar
Armenia (.am) www.google.am
Australia (.com.au) www.google.com.au
Austria (.at) www.google.at
Azerbaijan (.az) www.google.az
Bahrain (.com.bh) www.google.com.bh
Bangladesh (.com.bd) www.google.com.bd
Belgium (.be) www.google.be
Belize (.com.bz) www.google.com.bz
Bolivia (.com.bo) www.google.com.bo
Bosnia and Herzegovina (.ba) www.google.ba
Botswana (.co.bw) www.google.co.bw
Brazil (.com.br) www.google.com.br
British Virgin Islands (.vg) www.google.vg
Bulgaria (.bg) www.google.bg
Burundi (.bi) www.google.bi
Canada (.ca) www.google.ca
Chile (.cl) www.google.cl
China (.cn) www.google.cn
Colombia (.com.co) www.google.com.co
Congo, Democratic Republic of the (.cd) www.google.cd
Congo, Republic of the (.cg) www.google.cg
Cook Islands (.co.ck) www.google.co.ck
Costa Rica (.co.cr) www.google.co.cr
Croatia (.hr) www.google.hr
Cuba (.com.cu) www.google.com.cu
Czech Republic (.cz) www.google.cz
Cote dCase Ivoire (.ci) www.google.ci
Denmark (.dk) www.google.dk
Djibouti (.dj) www.google.dj
Dominica (.dm) www.google.dm
Dominican Republic (.com.do) www.google.com.do
Ecuador (.com.ec) www.google.com.ec
Egypt (.com.eg) www.google.com.eg
El Salvador (.com.sv) www.google.com.sv
Estonia (.ee) www.google.ee
Ethiopia (.com.et) www.google.com.et
Fiji (.com.fj) www.google.com.fj
Finland (.fi) www.google.fi
France (.fr) www.google.fr
Gambia (.gm) www.google.gm
Germany (.de) www.google.de
Gibraltar (.com.gi) www.google.com.gi
Greece (.com.gr) www.google.com.gr
Greenland (.gl) www.google.gl
Guatemala (.com.gt) www.google.com.gt
Guernsey (.gg) www.google.gg
Haiti (.ht) www.google.ht
Honduras (.hn) www.google.hn
Hong Kong (.com.hk) www.google.com.hk
Hungary (.hu) www.google.hu
Iceland (.is) www.google.is
India (.co.in) www.google.co.in
Indonesia (.co.id) www.google.co.id
Ireland (.ie) www.google.ie
Isle of Man (.co.im) www.google.co.im
Israel (.co.il) www.google.co.il
Italy (.it) www.google.it
Jamaica (.com.im) www.google.com.im
Japan (.co.jp) www.google.co.jp
Jersey (.co.je) www.google.co.je
Jordan (.jo) www.google.jo
Kazakhstan (.kz) www.google.kz
Kenya (.co.ke) www.google.co.ke
Kyrgyzstan (.kg) www.google.kg
Latvia (.lv) www.google.lv
Lesotho (.co.ls) www.google.co.ls
Libya (.com.ly) www.google.co.ly
Liechtenstein (.li) www.google.li
Lithuania (.lt) www.google.lt
Luxembourg (.lu) www.google.lu
Malawi (.mw) www.google.mw
Malaysia (.com.my) www.google.com.my
Malta (.com.mt) www.google.com.mt
Mauritius (.mu) www.google.mu
Mexico (.com.mx) www.google.com.mx
Micronesia (.fm) www.google.fm
Mongolia (.mn) www.google.mn
Montserrat (.ms) www.google.ms
Morocco (.co.ma) www.google.co.ma
Namibia (.com.na) www.google.com.na
Nepal (.com.np) www.google.com.np
Netherlands (.nl) www.google.nl
New Zealand (.co.nz) www.google.co.nz
Nicaragua (.com.ni) www.google.com.ni
Norfolk Island (.com.nf) www.google.com.nf
Norway (.no) www.google.no
Oman (.com.om) www.google.com.om
Pakistan (.com.pk) www.google.com.pk
Panama (.com.pa) www.google.com.pa
Paraguay (.com.py) www.google.com.py
Peru (.com.pe) www.google.com.pe
Philippines (.com.ph) www.google.com.ph
Pitcairn (.pn) www.google.com.pn
Poland (.pl) www.google.pl
Portugal (.pt) www.google.pt
Puerto Rico (.com.pr) www.google.com.pr
Qatar (.com.qa) www.google.com.qa
Romania (.ro) www.google.ro
Russia (.ru) www.google.ru
Rwanda (.rw) www.google.rw
Saint Helena (.sh) www.google.sh
San Marino (.sm) www.google.sm
Saudi Arabia (.com.sa) www.google.com.sa
Senegal (.sn) www.google.sn
Seychelles (.sc) www.google.sc
Singapore (.com.sg) www.google.com.sg
Slovakia (.sk) www.google.sk
Slovenia (.si) www.google.si
South Africa (.co.za) www.google.co.za
South Korea (.co.kr) www.google.co.kr
Spain (.es) www.google.es
Sri Lanka (.lk) www.google.lk
St.Vincent and the Grenadines (.com.vc) www.google.com.vc
Sweden (.se) www.google.se
Switzerland (.ch) www.google.ch
Taiwan (.com.tw) www.google.com.tw
Tajikistan (.com.tj) www.google.com.tj
Thailand (.co.th) www.google.co.th
The Bahamas (.bs) www.google.bs
Tonga (.to) www.google.to
Trinidad and Tobago (.tt) www.google.tt
Turkey (.com.tr) www.google.com.tr
Turkmenistan (.tm) www.google.tm
U.S. Virgin Islands (.co.vi) www.google.co.vi
Uganda (.co.ug) www.google.co.ug
Ukraine (.com.ua) www.google.com.ua
United Arab Emirates (.ae) www.google.ae
United Kingdom (.co.uk) www.google.co.uk
Uruguay (.com.uy) www.google.com.uy
Uzbekistan (.co.uz) www.google.co.uz
Venezuela (.co.ve) www.google.co.ve
Vietnam (.com.vn) www.google.com.vn
Zambia (.co.zm) www.google.co.zm


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